A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting and Growing Your Blog – Beginners Guide

The Story Of Starting a Blog

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting and Growing Your Blog: As a side project to my full-time job as a Digital Marketing Director in the computer sector, I launched my blog, Niimartey.com I started my blog in 2019 with no readers, no links, and no content at all.
I applied the lessons I learnt from the startup industry to my newly launched website.

I created links, produced articles, tested, adjusted, and attempted a wide range of things. In the end, I discovered a formula that was effective. In fact, it was so effective that my blog grew at one of the quickest rates ever recorded for a website.

Click here to learn more if you’re ready to establish a successful blog or grow your current one.

Today, simply from this one website, I write to over 500,000 visitors each month and earn over $400,000.
One of the most crucial decisions I ever made was learning how to construct and scale my blog. It has assisted me in:

  • Quit my job within 6 months
  • Repaid all of my college loan debt
  • Invest tens of thousands of dollars to create lasting wealth.
  • Travel and reside everywhere in the world.
  • I’ve stopped exchanging time for money, so I can make my own schedule and spend more time with the people I care about.
  • I finally stopped trading time for money

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My life has radically changed since I began writing on this blog a little more than two years ago.
And the truth is, I’m not much different from you.

I started my blog in 2019, but just 7 years ago, I was earning $9 per hour working at a pizza restaurant. I was depressed, broke, binge-drinking, and saw this as my foregone conclusion at the time. I had even listened to podcasts, read books, and tried (and failed) to start internet businesses before I learned about passive income.

I didn’t learn all the components to put it together until later in my career and when working with startups. To enable you to live your life according to your own terms, I wish to impart to you every single knowledge that I have acquired.

A woman watching Step-by-Step Guide to Starting and Growing your blog

In November 2020, I began developing Blog Growth Engine, and it took me seven months to complete it.
I spent $50,000 of my own money on a course creation specialist, months researching the most effective ways to teach this subject like a college course, then traveled to Austin, Texas to film the video material. After that, we worked for months in the editing room to polish the course materials and content.

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Blogging became operational in June 2021.

More than 2,000 students are currently registered in the course and taking part in the private community.

If you want to start a blog,

  • Consider buying your Domain at Namecheape.com ( It may save you some money)
  • For the cheapest and affordable hosting, consider going for Hostinger.com

The Problem With Blogging Advice

Let’s face it: the majority of Internet marketing advice is false. The dream of passive income is offered to you by “gurus” who first appeared more than ten years ago. Guess what, though?
It’s 2022.

The size of the Internet has doubled, so the same guidelines from 2010 are no longer valid.

  • Today’s blogging and SEO landscape is more cutthroat.
  • Finding the perfect niche is challenging,
  • And if you spend time on ineffective, out-of-date strategies, earning money could take an eternity.

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So what is the solution?

This course is for you if you’re prepared to work hard and want to create a real passive income business in the 2020s. You’re wasting your time if you wish to treat this as a pastime, blog about your interests, or participate in a get-rich-quick scheme.

In the shortest amount of time feasible, you may launch and scale your profitable blogging business using the foundation I provide in my course.

The good news is that anyone can do it, that getting started doesn’t cost much, and that you don’t have to give your soul to the machine that produces material.

The four disciplines of content, link development, blog monetization, and identifying your individual brand all play a role in this solution to the blogging dilemma.

The Content Assembly Line

Let’s face it, most individuals aren’t talented writers, and attracting readers is becoming more and more difficult. Do you really want to turn on your laptop and write hundreds or thousands of words after a long day at work? No way.

Because of this, I developed a remedy for the issue that I refer to as The Content Assembly Line. This is a methodical strategy to publish more information in a shorter amount of time.

The assembly line, a method of production that involves a succession of steps until a finished product is produced, was created by Henry Ford.

Writing content is no different

You need to compile content rather than write it in order to produce monetizable content and compete with brands. To swiftly develop and publish content at scale, employ templates, SEO tools, and AI.

And as a business owner, you get to control how your content is assembled, published, updated, and ranked using a set of straightforward stages like keyword research, outline creation, content assembly, and ranking.

With the content assembly line, you can be as involved or as detached from your blog as you choose, allowing it to grow without your input—be like Henry Ford, not a tortured author.

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No matter what anyone says, blogs must have links to them from other websites in order to be taken seriously online. Backlinks help your content rank higher because they are an actual indicator of trust in Google’s eyes.

There is a problem, though.

Gaining useful links can be really challenging. They demand actual labor, I mean.
Additionally, despite the abundance of link building “plans” and “tactics,” very few bloggers have actually been successful. For the past ten years, SEO papers have also asserted that “guest blogging is dead.”

What if, however, there was a fresh approach to connection building?

What if you could expand and speed up the backlink profile of your blog with little effort? What if you received links from websites and publications of your choosing based on leverage and genuine connections rather than just through guest posts?

This new approach is what I termThe Link Building Machine“.
With this innovative framework, guest articles serve as the motor and relationships as the fuel to upend conventional link-building strategies.

And when you spark both of these disciplines with the appropriate outreach, messaging, and real-world connections (as well as obtaining the appropriate links based on the appropriate metrics), you can scale your authority unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

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I’ll detail the exact steps I used to increase my Domain Rating from 0 to 78 in a year and create thousands of backlinks to my new blog.

Your Blog Monetization Timeline

Anyone can start a blog, but very few do it successfully. And the reason for this is time wasted on ineffective tactics, not a lack of enthusiasm or a lack of a strong work ethic.

The truth is that your efforts for content creation, link development, and revenue generation must all be integrated and consistent from the start.

You must establish a legitimate business

Would a genuine company merely produce arbitrary assets or goods without considering how to monetize them? No, but blogging has trained you to do that. They advise beginning with a passion, writing based on a report’s keywords, and eventually earning money through ads, lead magnets, digital items, and a long list of other things.

You need to think like other big blogs that might have 100 staff or more if you want to compete in the blogging world today. How are these blogs made profitable?

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And what can we duplicate if we only have one brand, rather than 100 employees?

The good news is that blog monetization is fairly simple, and you don’t have to make it perfect right away.
Building your brand involves testing, modifying, making actual business decisions based on real facts, and gradually identifying your niche, in contrast to standard specialty site advice.

The goal of picking the proper niche, the right keywords, the right link-building strategies, and the ideal affiliate programs is to eventually achieve monetization, which is like the top rung of a ladder.

Additionally, everyone has a direct route to monetization.

Today’s blogging is not writing. It’s not a side endeavor. It’s not a general strategy or building a tiny niche website based on statistics from a study. It’s not a technique to update a social media audience or keep a diary.

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It’s not about “testing” Facebook ads, Pinterest traffic, or blogging about your interests before later attempting to make money from your site.

It’s as follows:

  • Scaling up your efforts to compete with brands is blogging. Being a company owner, not a writer, is what it is.
  • By controlling the digital real estate on search engine results pages, blogging is generating revenue from the collective mind of Internet users (SERPs).
  • Blogging is about creating optimal content, strategically constructing links, growing your influence through genuine connections, and being a genuine power in your market.
  • It’s a unique, modern, but fundamental approach to online wealth creation in the current digital era.

What Exactly Does the Course Contain?

Niche selection and your personal brand

You’ll discover your distinctive brand of you in module 1

Additionally, we’ll introduce you to the authority flywheel, a framework for growing your online impact and authority in any niche.

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The attitude required to launch a blogging business is covered in module 2, along with how to deal with imposter syndrome, battle the devil on your shoulder, and go forward fearlessly with your online venture.

Writing Blogs Like a Startup

We discuss blogging like a startup principles in the third module. This involves taking a look at the startup attitude and learning from The Lean Startup. After that, we’ll introduce you to the principles of pivoting and feedback loops and demonstrate how a blogging business depends on data.

Understanding the Search Intent

This session explains how search engines operate, the value of attracting Google visitors, how to analyze the competition and deconstruct searches to start understanding what you’re going to write, and how to use the power of Google.

Your Minimum Viable Website

Here’s where we start building your website. This is an exact, step-by-step series of videos showing you exactly how to set up your blog, including the hosting, the theme to pick, the exact plugins you need, how to tweak every setting – basically every little detail to get your website launched.

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Keyword Monetization

This module includes how to do keyword research step by step, exactly what to look for to find monetizable keywords, and you’ll uncover the first keywords that you’ll start targeting. We’ll also cover the keyword research matrix. By the end of this module, you’ll have a new instinct to quickly and instantly spot keyword opportunities in the real world.

Producing Blog Content

Here, I demonstrate how to put together posts rather than compose them using the content assembly line method. Additionally, you’ll receive the precise starting points for your pieces, including how-to guides, affiliate list postings, reviews, and comparisons.

Here, we go over the more sophisticated techniques you need to scale guest articles and link exchanges in order to increase the amount of backlinks to your new blog. We discuss the brand-new, industry-exclusive link-building techniques that are the gold standard.

Blog monetization and affiliate marketing

Here, we’ll discuss your blog’s monetization timetable as well as how to prepare your initial affiliate content and begin earning affiliate commissions. Then, we’ll go on to advanced affiliate strategies that are not taught anywhere else. These strategies include how to join additional programs, bargain for higher commission rates, pit companies against one another, rank brands in a list post, and much more.

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Growing and Outsourcing Out Your Blog

Consider Using Marketing Tool like Fluent to scale and grow your blog

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We discuss how to scale and outsource your blog in this module, as well as how to make the best use of your time to achieve the greatest progress (and money) in the shortest amount of time. This covers your entire scaling team, the best ways to scale with or without a budget, and the everyday tasks that need to be prioritized in order to manage your blogging business.

Access My Complete Blog Secrets

The Authority Flywheel

a flawless strategy based on your identification, domain of knowledge, and market to increase your online authority. The authority flywheel zeroes in on your niche and starts a chain reaction that increases traffic, earnings, and collaboration opportunities.

The Brand of You

A distinct and individualized strategy for choosing a niche that enables you to focus on your specialty over time, identify your market value, and create a genuine brand around your online persona. Your brand of you provides you the ability to pivot, adapt, and construct your own path to revenue, much like how your identity changes and develops over time.

Your Least applicable Website

Your minimum viable website is a step-by-step guide to getting your site up and operating that is based on startup principles. This contains the precise theme, plugins, and configurations needed to run the most cost-effective WordPress tech stack.

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Matrix of Keyword Monetization

Not every keyword is made equal. In order to know exactly which keywords to target in order to increase income, use this special matrix to determine which keywords to target based on search traffic, intent, and revenue potential.

The Content Creation Line

A methodical guide to creating and publishing more optimized, high-ranking content faster. The content assembly line uses AI, templates, and SEO technologies to streamline the content development process and speed up revenue generation.

By developing a fresh link building strategy, I increased my Domain Rating from 0 to 78 in less than a year. This link development machine relies on collaborations, connections, guest posts, and trades to obtain

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The scaling strategy for startups

I authored more than 80 articles on my blog and more than 80 guest pieces on reputable websites in 2019. Without a startup scaling formula, I could not have accomplished this. Your scaling strategy outlines the best strategies to hire authors, outsource work, and manage your time as the CEO of your blogging company.

Your Blog’s Timeline for Revenue

Based on its age and traffic volume, you must monetize your site in the best possible way. The schedule for blog monetization produces the maximum ROI in the shortest amount of time, enabling you to make life-changing money in months rather than years.

In conclusion

Blog Growth Engine is the surest route to blogging success in the twenty-first century. It is the strategy of “getting your blog to work for sure.”

In the end, even if you’re completely fresh, you can learn how to build a successful blog and generate thousands of dollars in passive revenue each month.

Even if you’ve tried previously and failed, you can still do this for free, without spending any money on advertising, while working a full-time job.

I’ll show you exactly what to do each day to succeed, and you can use this method with any personality type and without speaking to a single person if you want.

Are you ready to begin?

Enroll in Blog Growth Engine by clicking this link

Disclosure: I may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links below at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy & policy. This site is not intending to provide financial advice. This is for entertainment only.
Articles: 78

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